Live with mold AT

Start your Business from here

After decades of taking hard experiences we have decided to start the bussines in old fashion way, but now as fully family based company. Our secret mission has started and we would like to take step back in time where shake of hands mean something. Our years struggeling with common practices in the bussines, we decided that we dont want to go like this.. we dont like to. For that reason it was necessary to create new way i.e. only "our way"..that we can be proud of our work, happy with our lives and thanks to our loayal customer network very succesfull. Please live with us, lets put a meaning to words like fair play, honesty, loayality... for us it make sence!

Our activities

We are group of profesionals and strong individuals with common sence for a system and hard working atitude .

  • Advanced Sourcing activities RFQ in 24 Hours!
  • Support and system development
  • Injection moulding tools
  • Technology and development
  • Improvements and savings
  • Real partnership and fair bussines
  • MF / DFM and other analysis
About Us

Our online solution


Our Services

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Advanced Sourcing activities RFQ in 24 Hours!

We have over 90+ partners over the world so we can serve nearly anydemand anywhere in cost effective way.

Support and system development

We can provide effective help anywhere from team structure to VDA certification.

Injection moulding tools

we can serve molds from 50kg up to 30 tons and due our low fixed costs we can handle also local smal molding shops with limited possibilities of complex tasks managment.

Technology and development

There is much forced marketing over common sence and for our purpose there is easy way how to find suitable cost effective road.

Improvements and savings

no more waste we can handle, all waste is direct cost without ussage. Starting with clever desing of product ending in direct costs savings.

MF / DFM and other analysis

We can perform all basic Mold Flow analysis + Desing For Manufacturing analysis and its destription with crystal clear recommendation heading to real solution.

Our team

We love our job, we love technology and innovative aproach

Andrej Čilipka

CEO / Sales / Technology

Bob Liao


Soňa Kučerová

Accountant / Finance / Deputy

Bella Zhang

PM / CN relations


Billy Li

toolshop operations / project manager


Lawrence Tan

tooling expert


Empty possition!

local trials supervisor


Alan Zhang

tooling expert / project manager


Michal Šipula

Green Energy Strategy and Savings / PVE


Stanislav Orsag

Technology Expert


Empty possition!

local sourcing / machining


Empty possition!

toolmaker and expert polishing


Projects Delivered


Hour of Work


Cup of Coffee